HRA recruitment is the recruitment division of HR Associates Ltd. We are one of the leading recruiting experts in constructions, building, oil & gas and engineering in Asia. With our internationa
H商業 / 商業優惠H R Associates (H.K.) Limited

Provide different kind of design services include: Advertisements / Banners / Event Backdrops / Set Design / Graphic items / Storyboard / Digital Illustration and so on.
設計 / 平面設計Phazeone - Jova cheung

專業會計、簿記、財務、報稅 300元起 電話:52474669 梁先生 CPA 收費合理,信心之選,財務管理,專業建議,觀迎查詢


移民加拿大- 家庭團聚,Express Entry,省提名計劃 (企業或投資移民),學生移民,技術移民,加拿大升學,加拿大稅務策劃
商業 / 投資移民及簽證Esquire Canada Immigration and Education

J教學進修 / 補習Joseph Tsui Lok Hei

2nd Room Media 多元化戶外廣告、流動宣傳車活動及市場推廣活動策劃, 服務過百個知名品牌, 多元化戶外廣告及市場推廣活動策劃 specializes in planning Outdoor Media Advertising, Moving Showroom and Marketing Events, which serves over a hundred of well-known
2商業 / 市場策劃2nd Room Media

每月薄記, 每年薄記。Tel: 5300 6722 會計服務, 專業可靠。我們為個人, 中小型企業提供會計的相關服務。

Qualified in teaching various aspects of English such as phonics, grammar, exam prep, interview prep, presentation skills, creative writing, public speaking and several others.

Excel report / dashboard design and construction. Data analysis and insights for business decision.

Excel report / dashboard construction. Data analysis and insights for business decision.

I家居 / 廚櫃IBEE.HK

Find Your True Corporate Voice | ISO 9001 : 2008 certified | All language pairs supported
B商業 / 翻譯BridgeLink Language Services Ltd.

Excel report / dashboard construction. Data analysis and insights for business decision.
R商業 / 顧問Ryannie

Full service event management firm . Our professional event team composed of expertise in event marketing, concept development, production and design.

Look for a freelance developer to build a CRM We are planning to launch a loyalty program and would need a CRM for the loyalty program. Our POS is VEND, you could be able to integrate with the CRM. P

現場婚宴音樂演奏,LIVE BAND音樂,教堂行禮及儀式音樂,貼身新人音樂製作,MV錄影及拍攝
結婚 / 婚禮演奏violetwong

做宣傳嚟講,最緊要係多⼈睇到!Adverywhere嘅百變流動宣傳⾞,可以 ⾏均港、九、新界,仲善⽤⾞內空間同⾞身設計,為你度身訂造最適合嘅 流動宣傳廣告!⽽家仲有聖誕早⿃優惠,快啲call我哋,幫你諗計仔迎接 ⼀連串嘅宣傳攻勢。
商業 / 市場策劃Adverywhere
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